The My Father brand is a premium cigar brand produced by the Garcia family, who are renowned for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. The brand was founded by Don Pepin Garcia, a Cuban master blender who began making cigars in Nicaragua after leaving Cuba in the 2000s.
The My Father cigars feature a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos from the Garcia family's own farms in Esteli, Nicaragua. The blend typically includes a mix of filler leaves from different regions, including Esteli, Jalapa, and Condega, a binder leaf also from Nicaragua, and a wrapper leaf from Ecuador, Nicaragua, or Connecticut.
The My Father line offers a range of blends and sizes to suit different preferences and occasions, from mild to full-bodied cigars. Some of the most popular blends include the My Father Flor de las Antillas, My Father Le Bijou 1922, and My Father La Opulencia.
The packaging of My Father cigars is elegant and sophisticated, with a classic design that reflects the brand's traditional roots. The brand has received numerous awards and accolades over the years, including high ratings from Cigar Aficionado magazine and other industry experts.
Overall, the My Father brand is highly regarded by cigar enthusiasts for its exceptional quality and complex flavor profile. It's a great choice for anyone who appreciates a premium cigar with a rich, bold flavor and superior construction.