El Baton is a cigar brand that is known for its rich, bold, and complex flavor profile. It is handmade in Nicaragua by the J.C. Newman Cigar Company, a renowned manufacturer in the industry. The El Baton cigars are medium to full-bodied and are made with a blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and a Habano wrapper from Ecuador.
The El Baton cigar line offers different sizes, including Robusto, Toro, and Double Torpedo, each with its unique flavor characteristics. The cigars have a smooth draw, and the burn is even, allowing the smoker to enjoy a consistent smoking experience. The taste profile of El Baton cigars is characterized by notes of pepper, spice, cedar, and coffee, which all contribute to a rich and complex flavor.
Overall, El Baton cigars are a great choice for smokers who are looking for a full-flavored and complex smoke. The construction and quality of the tobacco used in these cigars make them a premium choice for cigar enthusiasts.