The Cuesta-Rey brand of Dominican cigars is a premium cigar brand that was founded in 1884 by the Cuesta family in the Dominican Republic. The brand has a long history of producing high-quality cigars that are known for their smooth, balanced flavor and consistent construction.
Cuesta-Rey cigars are made using a blend of aged Dominican long-fillers, a Dominican binder, and either a Connecticut Shade or Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. The cigars are hand-rolled by skilled artisans in the Dominican Republic and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, including Corona, Robusto, Churchill, and Torpedo.
The brand is also known for its unique cigar bands, which feature a distinctive red, gold, and black color scheme and a stylized "CR" logo. The bands are a nod to the brand's long history and heritage.
Overall, the Cuesta-Rey brand of Dominican cigars is a well-regarded premium cigar brand that is popular among enthusiasts who appreciate a smooth, balanced smoke with a lot of flavor and complexity. The brand's long history and heritage, as well as its commitment to quality and consistency, make it a favorite among cigar aficionados.