The Baccarat brand of cigars is a popular cigar brand that was founded in Honduras in 1871. The brand is known for its mild and smooth flavor profile, as well as its distinctive sweet tip.
Baccarat cigars are made from a blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, which are aged to perfection to ensure a smooth and consistent smoking experience. The wrapper is a Connecticut shade-grown leaf, which gives the cigar a mild and creamy flavor.
One of the unique features of Baccarat cigars is their sweetened tip, which is achieved by dipping the tip of the cigar in a special mixture of natural herbs and spices. This gives the cigar a slightly sweet and aromatic flavor, which is particularly appealing to those who are new to cigar smoking.
Baccarat cigars are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, including the popular Baccarat Churchill, Baccarat Rothschild, and Baccarat Belicoso. They are a great choice for those who are looking for a mild and smooth smoking experience with a touch of sweetness.
Overall, the Baccarat brand of cigars is a popular and well-respected brand that is known for its consistent quality and distinctive sweet tip. It is a great choice for those who are new to cigar smoking or those who prefer a mild and smooth smoking experience.