The Griffins is a premium cigar brand produced by the Davidoff of Geneva company. The brand was created in the 1980s and named after the famous mythological creature, known for its strength and majesty.
The Griffins features a range of cigars, each with its own unique blend of premium tobaccos and flavor profile. The brand is known for its consistency and high-quality construction, with each cigar crafted by skilled artisans in the Dominican Republic.
One of the most popular cigars in The Griffins brand is the No. 500, which features a blend of Dominican tobaccos and a Connecticut Shade wrapper. The No. 500 is a mild to medium-bodied cigar with a smooth and creamy flavor profile, featuring notes of toasted almonds, cedar, and a subtle sweetness.
Another popular cigar in The Griffins brand is the Robusto, which features a blend of Dominican tobaccos and a Connecticut Shade wrapper. The Robusto is a mild to medium-bodied cigar with a smooth and creamy flavor profile, featuring notes of nuttiness, spice, and a hint of sweetness.
The Griffins cigars are known for their exceptional smoking experience, with a range of flavors and strengths to suit any palate. The brand has a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts who appreciate the brand's consistency, quality, and attention to detail.
Overall, The Griffins is a well-regarded brand in the world of premium cigars, known for its high-quality construction, balanced flavor profiles, and exceptional smoking experience. If you're a fan of premium cigars, The Griffins is definitely worth trying.