Liga Privada Undercrown is a brand of premium cigars that is produced by Drew Estate, a well-known cigar company based in Nicaragua. The Undercrown line was created after the rollers at Drew Estate began smoking Liga Privada cigars themselves, and the demand for the original Liga Privada cigars outstripped the supply. To satisfy their own demand, the rollers began experimenting with different blends using similar tobaccos to the Liga Privada, and the result was the Undercrown line.
The Undercrown blend includes a dark, rich San Andres Maduro wrapper from Mexico, a Connecticut Habano binder, and a filler blend of Brazilian Mata Fina and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The combination of these tobaccos creates a complex and flavorful smoking experience, with notes of cocoa, espresso, and spice. The cigars are known for their excellent construction and consistent quality.
Overall, the Liga Privada Undercrown brand is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a full-bodied and flavorful smoking experience. The Undercrown line offers a more affordable alternative to the original Liga Privada cigars, while still maintaining the high standards of quality and craftsmanship that Drew Estate is known for.